Our Day
8:00-9:00: Early care (outdoor recess or self-selection)
9:00-9:50: Class begins, welcoming students, self-selection, snack offered throughout this time (child's choice when to eat)
9:50-10:00: Daily Jobs (we will be in our two groups when they choose their jobs)
10:00-11:00: Outdoor recess
11:00-11:30: (wash up) Circle time- story, weather, schedule, sign-language songs, finger plays, learning/reviewing facts related to theme, sharing/discussions, letter and sound practice (we will be in our two groups for circle time, and will stagger the times)
11:30- 12:10: Sign-in (trace or write their name with a dry erase marker, match name to picture), children's choice of self-selection or small group projects (table time)
12:10-12:50: (wash up) Lunch
12:50-1:20: Outdoor recess (beginning nap for younger students) & early pick-up
1:20-1:30: (wash up) Prepare for nap
1:30-3:00: Nap Time (Or rest time with quiet activities)
3:00-4: 00: Snack time, saying good bye to some friends, preparing for after care, recess or block room play
4:00-500: After care (outdoor recess, late afternoon snack, self-selection)

Our curriculum is adapted to each child's developmental stage and age appropriateness. We encourage children at all levels to develop a sense of emotional and social competence while challenging their creative and intellectual self.
Children will experience a classroom with students ages three to five years old; teachers will adapt to each child's stage and development while connecting the children's learning to the classroom themes at their own pace.
We are a play based preschool with an appropriate focus on academics. Your child will experience a unique education as they learn facts and new information relative to our themes and the community around us. They will be exposed to new experiences and gain a high vocabulary while expanding their knowledge of the world. Alphabet, number work and all academics will be adapted to each child's developmental needs and interest. Children will grow with their independence, confidence, manners, kindness, friendship and creative self while being at our academy. They will be challenged, motivated, encouraged, and loved on a daily basis.
​We offer a structured schedule for consistency with flexibility within each activity. At our school the children will explore through their own self-selection play, free art, small group activities, large group activities, music, dance, yoga, nature walks, science experiments, cooking together, beginning literacy and writing steps, all while learning around a designed theme of their interest (space, ocean, farm etc).